It’s hard to imagine a modern-time student without the use of cutting-edge technologies that seem to regulate and shape the way how things are being mastered. Learning processes are no more limited by the use of electronic devices for scanning through social media platforms alone! Students tend to use special apps that help them to edit their writing or use artificial intelligence to create valid thesis statements. At the same time, such involvement of technology helps to shape student experiences and channel available resources to achieve success and overcome learning challenges. Without a doubt, the use of cutting-edge technologies must be taken with a grain of salt as it will take time before it will be possible to evaluate all the cons and pros of each approach!
Cutting-Edge Technologies Shaping Student Experiences
– ChatGPT.
One of the most important cutting-edge technologies that shape student experiences is the use of artificial intelligence. The range of practical applications includes tasks like the creation of useful outlines, fact-checking, and paraphrasing. It helps to overcome writer’s block and inspires creativity as included algorithms help to expand a person’s vocabulary. As long as the system is not used for cheating purposes, it serves as an important breakthrough technology. Speaking of avoiding plagiarism and getting some human input, one should consider free academic essay examples to see the range of citations versus paraphrasing. Now, while many systems will detect the use of ChatGPT, getting human help is much better and safer!
– Grammar Checkers and Readability.
It has become quite popular to implement various grammar checkers for academic assignments and even blogging. Still, students often forget that this technology is far from being new, as spell-checking has been used since the emergence of Microsoft Office software. Still, some apps represent a different kind of technology! A good example is the Hemmingway app which actually helps to improve readability and suggests different phrases and words. Since it’s available free of charge, it’s a good way to show how technology can help shape student experiences in a quick and truly positive way.
– Augmented Reality.
The use of AR and VR solutions in education is still relatively new, yet subjects like Biology, History, and Engineering quickly turn into 3D cinema experiences. Students are able to use animation for presentations and modeling to create and replicate various experiments and see how certain physical and historical processes have taken place. It also helps to expand reality and study beyond textbooks, thus making many different subjects more interesting and inspiring.
– Smartboards Approach.
It is an excellent cutting-edge technology that helps when group projects must take place. This way, students can create mind maps, visualize specific concepts, draw, underline, take notes, use handwriting, and even record small video clips to memorize the most important aspects. It is constantly used by engineering and healthcare learners who have to think fast and solve problems in a limited period of time. When the critical thinking and reaction types must be tested, the use of smartboards is one of the perfect solutions that take learning challenges to another level and provide a different kind of cooperation.
– Addressing Special Needs Learners.
If we take a look at the situation with the special needs students that are dealing with dyslexia or cerebral palsy conditions, we can see how challenging it has been for most learners. Luckily, modern technologies can help address most needs and difficulties by serving as screen readers, text converters, and intelligent dictation assistants. This is precisely how technologies can help to improve the final results in a learning process and decrease high levels of stress that are typical for inclusive students. Apps like Dyslexia Quest or Dragon Dictation are examples of cutting-edge technology that instantly takes things to another level.
– Field Studies and Geocaching.
While most people will state that it is far from being a cutting-edge technology, the practice of field studies is not the same as it was before. Students can implement practices like geocaching and video blogging while studying in the field. This way, they spend more time outside and practice a healthy way of life as they explore, use smartphones, and implement theoretical knowledge in practice. It helps learners of all ages to adapt to real-life challenges and improve their analysis skills. If you are an educator reading this, make sure to give it a try!
Learning and Accessibility Factors
Learning with the help of innovative technologies often comes with a steep learning curve. Now, it is true not only for students who have to learn how to submit their assignments and ensure that they do not miss some bits of vital information here and there! The accessibility factor is also relevant for educators who have to turn into tech-savvy specialists with a set of skills required to make things work. All of it was first revealed during the pandemic times when most educators did not have an opportunity to learn how technology works. Although many developers constantly released patches and updates, often free of charge, it still posed a serious problem in terms of safety and accessibility. An example of Zoom video conference safety issues, when total strangers would enter the room, tells us quite a lot! While it is an example of cutting-edge technology that has taken things to another level, it is also a solid reminder about the necessity to learn how things work first to make the most out of every learning experience.
Diane Sherron is a technology analyst and academic consultant with a passion for all things new. As she visits schools and colleges, she collects and shares valuable information. Follow Diane to unfold your creative talents and make your student experiences fun.

Aimee Garcia is a Marketing Consultant and Technical Writer at DailyTechTime. She has 5+ years of experience in Digital Marketing. She has worked with different IT companies.